Reflections of Summer 2024

I have a habit of walking through our sites and offering up prayers for safety, fellowship, fun, worship, gratitude and wisdom.  This past week, I took a quick prayer wander through Wapo and had quite a journey while encountering:

  • A table full of diligent artisans making beautiful friendship bracelets at the art shop.  While twisting their threads, they eagerly shared all their camp highlights so far!  (Counselors, games, worship, campfire and slushies were at the top!)
  • A boy named Jacob who had wandered down to the soccer field alone – he seemed to be a little upset.  After chatting with him, I learned that he is an introvert and prefers his relationships with the gamers he meets on-line, rather than people he meets up with in real time.  After a good conversation, we strategized together a spot for him to hang out during free time that felt comfortable to him.
  • A couple of avid fishing fans who were at Wapo for the first time and couldn’t believe how much fun they were having. The boys will be in 9th grade next year, and they were already curious about how old they had to be to come and work at camp!
  • I turned a corner and bumped into two pastors who were at camp picking up their granddaughter from a One Day program.  They were filled with JOY about the opportunities and good work that Wapo, WCB and Ox enable!
  • I ran into a camper I know that has been a camper for 6 years. Her parents met at Wapo back in the 90’s. Generations of campers!
  • At the beach, I met a camper who could NOT stop talking about how much fun he was having on the inflatable in the swim area.  Harrowing stories of how he scaled it, and rocked it, and helped his buddy do the same!  As he was drying off, he said “the beach is the best thing to do in the afternoon, but my favorite thing of all is morning worship”
  • I stopped by to visit with 3 girls who were putting all their creative energies into tie-dying their socks with…… MUD.  How fun!
  • I touched base with 3 counselors who were confidently walking alongside multiple campers who were having some sadness/issues to work through.  I witnessed caring and compassion and patience.

Later that evening, campfire started out rockin’ with campers shouting out the song lyrics and dancing with all their might.  As the skit and lesson turned towards some slower and thoughtful songs, I watched a group of 7th and 8th grade boys wrap their arms around one another while swaying and gently singing along.  And do you know who was in the middle of that group?  Jacob…. The self-proclaimed introvert who didn’t really enjoy spending time with others.  What a privilege to see the work of the Holy Spirit move and groove and take root in our lives.

Our summer theme is “Always” and based on 1 Thess: 5:16-22 “Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens.  This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.  Don’t suppress the Spirit and don’t stifle those who have a word from the Master.” (from The Message). This verse is such a beautiful backdrop to all we witness at our sites.

Recently I received this message from a Wilderness camper parent:

“Our daughter attended last week’s BWCA trip. We are blown away with how capable she suddenly seems, how much knowledge she gained, and how great of a time she had. She learned so much about herself and has gained so much confidence. She had so many stories to tell and such a cool way about her after her BWCA trip. She was excited going into the trip, but we were a little unsure what she would think of it all once she got there! Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for taking these girls on this amazing adventure and for taking such good care of them all. Your leadership made this trip an experience of a lifetime for our daughter. She can’t wait to do it again next year”.

What an incredible blessing it is to be walking alongside these campers and families that spend time at our sites as well as the young adults that answered the call to work at camp this summer. We rejoice in the faithful presence of God who remains in the center of it all. Continually nurturing, growing and blessing our efforts, working it all for good.

Join me in celebrating all the camp experiences at Camp Wapo, Ox Lake and Wilderness Canoe Base with your gift of support. Your bold and faithful gift supports this meaningful ministry that is forming people of faith and building hope for the future.


Heather Eggert
Executive Director