Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp and Wilderness Canoe Base join in mourning the passing of Rev. Ham Muus on December 8th 2020. Please pray for his family and all those who were touched by Rev. Ham Muus’ life.

As the co-founder of Wilderness Canoe Base and the first Director of the camp, his impact and legacy cannot fully be summarized by words on paper. Rather, it can be found by the innumerable lives who were transformed by knowing Ham. A Husband, a Father, a Pastor, a Founder, a Director, Ham’s life and legacy live on through Wilderness Canoe Base and through the lives of so many people.

As people of faith, we trust in a God of resurrection. While we mourn his passing, we celebrate the life of Rev. Ham Muus and rejoice in knowing that he has returned to our Creator God.

Knowing that so many have been impacted by Rev. Ham Muus, if you’re willing, please share stories and ways in which Rev. Muus has touched your life.

We will share updates as we hear more information from his family about ways to honor Rev. Muus.
Ham Muus