Winning Wednesday

It was a wonderful Wednesday to be at Camp Wapo! We started our morning out with some fantastic french toast. This gave us the energy we needed for our morning worship in the chapel. We sang songs like “Every Move I Make” and “Days of Elijah.”

Our bible study today was “Forgive Always.” We read the story of Joseph forgiving his brothers. We talked about how God calls us to forgive others even when it is hard because they have wronged us. Easter Confirmation campers had a session to learn about the creation story.

We played Snoodles today for field games. In this game, there are four teams that compete to move colored pool noodles to their corner of the field. Each camper had flags that could get pulled when they ran into the other teams’ territories.

After eating delicious chicken wraps for lunch, it was free time! The sun was shining and a refreshing breeze was blowing – a gorgeous day! Campers enjoyed beach time, gaga, airsquare, yarn crafts, and a lively nine-square tournament.

In the evening, we played an all-camp game called Chip Noodle. In this game, campers collect different colors of chips hidden with counselors. Some counselors run around tagging campers with pool noodles. If they get out, a counselor in a life vest gives them a silly task to get back in!

It was a beautiful night for a campfire! Gathering at the beach is ALWAYS the best place to worship! After that, we went up to the chapel for Drawn to the Word. Pastor Paul Oman paints a bible story for us. Of course we ended our night with devos after that. Branches campers made a painting all together during this time. What a winning day!

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