We are so glad to be welcoming in another set of campers this week! After campers got dropped off this afternoon, they had lots of time to get to know open another through a bunch of different ice breakers and games. We ate a yummy meal of circle pizzas, veggies and chips before heading off into bible study for today. Our theme word was Rejoice. We read from Psalm 148 and we focused a lot on how all of creation rejoices in their own unique ways and then we asked ourselves the question of How do we praise?

After bible study, our leadership staff and servant staff introduced themselves and we went over our camp traditions. At Camp Wapo we call our rules traditions,  because rules are meant to be broken. We then transitioned into canteen and cabin time before heading down to Lindsey beach forcour first ever campfire together!

Campers are now getting a full nights sleep so they are ready for everything!

Talk to you tomorrow!