Thankful Hearts

We are so thankful for our day at Camp Wapo! We started our rainy morning out inside for some delicious breakfast sandwiches and donut holes. Then, we worshiped in Crossfire Chapel. We sang songs like “I Thank God” and watched a skit about having a thankful heart.

Chapel tied into today’s bible study theme, which is “Give Thanks Always.” We read the story about Elijah and the widow and talked about what it truly means to give thanks in all circumstances. Easter Confirmation discussed the divine covenant in their morning session.

This morning we also enjoyed indoor field games. We played human scavenger hunt in upper commons. Games are ALWAYS so much fun when we are with all our friends!

The sun was shining in the afternoon during our free time! We got creative with tie dye, made a splash at the beach, enjoyed canteen treats, and played some airsquare. But perhaps the most popular activity was the basketball tournament! Later on, the winning team got a chance to face the Wapo All-Stars!

We had a barn-dance-themed banquet for dinner tonight. Campers got the opportunity to dress up for this meal. Then, we enjoyed some delicious chicken kiev, mashed potatoes, and corn. After that, we enjoyed the Wapo County Fair. Campers could get shaving cream in their hair, have their hair washed, get their face painted, sing some karaoke, play some gaga, get their nails painted, and so much more!

Our last campfire was extra-special. We sang all of our favorite worship songs and cherished our moments down together at the lake. Then, we had one last devo with our cabin before heading to bed. We can’t believe we only have one more day left!

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