Praying and Playing

Today was full of prayer and play! We started off with first word, which is where campers hear the word of God from the bible first thing in the morning. Our Branches aged campers canoed out onto the lake for this! Then, we all shared in a delicious breakfast of waffles with blueberry and maple syrup.

Our skit during chapel introduced us to our theme for the day: “Pray Always.” In bible study we read The Lord’s Prayer and talked about how prayer has been a part of our lives. Isn’t it incredible that God is ALWAYS there for us through prayer! Meanwhile, Easter Confirmation talked about the different genres of the books of the bible.

For field games today we played Rat-A-Tat-Tat and Exploding Enchiladas. Campers had fun dodging the bouncy ball in Rat-A-Tat-Tat and launching gator balls at each other in Exploding Enchiladas! Of course, when we play together, we pray together! 

After lunch and quiet time, we had the whole afternoon for free time! Campers played in the gaga tournament, swam at the beach, enjoyed treats from the canteen, played basketball, paddle boarded, kayaked, and painted at the art shop. Easter Confirmation also took some time to do challenge activities like tarp flip, lava boards, and human knot.

Before we knew it, it was time for evening activities. We had our relay races for the Wapo Olympics! It’s fun to watch campers’ competitive sides shine. Then, we went up to the chapel for a special guest. We had so much fun worshiping with Christian rapper “Agape.”

We got our sweet treats from the canteen and then headed down to the campfire. Branches had their own campfire down at Bethany Beach while the rest of us gathered at Lindsay Beach. It’s ALWAYS a beautiful night at the lake! Then, we ended our day with a night game before devos and bedtime. Now we’re dreaming about all the fun we’ll have tomorrow!

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