Mighty Monday

It has been a marvelous Monday of camp! We started our morning with some egg bake and delectable blueberry muffins. Then, we headed up to the chapel for our morning worship. Singing and dancing is ALWAYS a great start to our day!

Our bible study theme today was “Love Always.” We read about Lydia – how she was shown God’s love and how she shared that love with others. This story about an ordinary woman who sold purple cloth inspires us to spread love in extraordinary ways!

For field games today we played Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge. Two teams compete to move items like pool noodles, gator balls, footballs, and frisbees to their side of the field. During this time, Easter Confirmation campers did a morning session about the power of stories.

After lunch, it was time for the swim test. The lake was so refreshing! Many campers came back to swim during free time too. Besides swimming, campers could make bible verse bracelets at the art shop, play in the airsquare tournament, enjoy snacks from the canteen, go paddleboarding, or play gaga.

We went back to the waterfront after supper for an evening beach bash. Campers enjoyed swimming, getting their faces painted, playing yard games, doing tug-of-war with other cabins, playing rock-paper-scissors-splash, and building sandcastles. Some lucky campers even got to pie their counselor at the end of the festivities!

To close our night, we gathered down at the campfire for worship. We sang songs like “Gospel Light” and “Unashamed Love.” Now, after devos in our cabins, we are resting up for another great day!

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