America’s Best Summer Camps 2024

For the second consecutive year, Lake Wapogasset (Camp Wapo) has been named in Newsweek’s “Best Summer Camps”. The American Camping Association recently released a study that shows why camp is important to those that attend as it “helped them appreciate the importance of being present in the moment.”

At Camp Wapo we know this to be true as we aim to to be a place of grace, forming people of faith…while being untangled from technology. Camp is a place where relationships can be nurtured and grow. It is a place where kids practice independence and leadership skills, ask questions and grow in their faith, and learn to be in community with others.

Do you still have space in your summer calendar for a camp experience? We have openings in many of our camp sessions for all ages…K-12th grade, adults, and families too! Reach out and let us help find you a camp session perfect for you, your family, or your kids!

Phone: 715-268-8434

Access Newsweek’s complete article and listing here.