All Smiles and All-Camp Game

Our day at camp was so jam-packed with energy and fun! We started off our Tuesday with some delicious chicken and waffles! This gave us the energy to have a great time worshiping in the chapel by singing and dancing!

Our skit at chapel introduced our theme of the day, “Pray Always,” which we explored during our bible study today. We looked at the Lord’s prayer in a new light and shared memories of prayer from our lives. Such cool stories were shared in cabin groups!

For field games today, we played Exploding Enchiladas, which is an every-person-for-themselves dodgeball game. We also played Rat-A-Tat-Tat, which is also an individual game but with just one big purple ball!

After eating lunch, we always take some quiet time to chill in our cabins and recharge before free time – which is of course full of energy! Today there was a lively gaga tournament at the beginning of free time. The art shop was buzzing with creative energy as campers made bracelets and painted with watercolors. The beach and canteen were full of campers staying cool from the toastier weather.

Following dinner, we headed up to Crossfire Chapel for guest artist “Agape.” We got to groove to some of his Christian rap music. Everyone was dancing and singing along! Having “Agape” visit us at Wapo is ALWAYS a special treat!

Then, we played an all-camp game of Chip Noodle. The object of the game is to collect a set of colored chips hidden around camp. To do this, campers must avoid getting hit by counselors with pool noodles. If they do, a counselor wearing a life vest will give them a silly task (like singing a song, hugging a tree, or doing a push up) to get back in the game. 

After canteen and cabin time, we rounded out the night with a fabulous campfire! We love to learn new worship songs and praise God together. At last, we wound down for the night in our cabins with devos. It was another great day and we’re excited for all the fun still to come this week!

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