Hi everyone!

Wow have we had a late night. After dinner, we got ready for evening beach bash! We had lots of different games, face paint, belly flop contest and a sand castle building contest. At the end of beach bash, counselors line up and 5 random campers get pies full of whip cream and are able to pie their counselors. After beach bash, we had some cabin time and another round of canteen wehre lots of campers played 9-square, basketball and just hung out with one another. We headed inside to dodge some expected rain for the rest of our activities but that didn’t stop us from having a blast! We enjoyed campfire, played a new night game where we had to find our conselors inside crossfire and then we headed into our star talk. Star talk inside isn’t ideal but we get creative and show campers all sorts of different consolations!

Now we are off to devotions and sleep,
