Youth Protection Guidelines
Original board approval January 30, 2020
Updated and approved February 26, 2023
1. Introduction
LWLBC has adopted the following policy for the safety and well-being of its campers and staff. The policy applies to all LWLBC sites and LWLBC sponsored activities. This policy primarily protects youth campers; however, the policy also serves to protect LWLBC staff.
All parents, caregivers, and Church staff should understand that LWLBC staff is to abide by these safeguards. Any staff member that knows of or suspects a violation of this policy, is expected to immediately report such conduct to the Executive Director of the camp.
2. Definitions
- ACA: American Camping Association
- LWLBC: Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp Inc.
- LWLBC Staff: Staff members of LWLBC (maybe full-time, part-time, or seasonal)
- OX: Ox Lake Site
- WAPO: Lake Wapogasset Site
- WCB: Wilderness Canoe Base
3. LWLBC Staff Requirements
All LWLBC staff will:
- Go through a criminal background check when initially hired.
- Be reviewed annually through the National Sex Offender Public Registry.
- Annually complete the Voluntary Disclosure Statement.
- Annually complete LWLBC Youth Protection training.
- Have criminal background re-checks performed at a minimum frequency of five years or when there has been an employment gap of three months or more.
4. Camper Supervision
4.1. LWLBC meets or in most cases exceeds the minimum camper to staff ratio as recommended by the ACA. The following table is taken from the ACA guidelines:
Camper Age (years) | # of Staff | # of Overnight Campers | # Day-Only Campers |
5 and younger | 1 | 5 | 6 |
6 – 8 | 1 | 6 | 8 |
9 – 14 | 1 | 8 | 10 |
15 – 18 | 1 | 10 | 12 |
©2019 American Camping Association, Inc. November 2019 |
4.2. One-on-one contact between LWLBC Staff and campers is prohibited.
- In situations requiring a personal conference, the meeting is to be conducted with the knowledge and in view of other staff and/or youth.
- LWLBC staff communication with a camper by way of phone calls, text, or social media (Facebook, Snapchat, IM, etc.) must include another counselor or parent.
4.3. Housing by gender for campers
In order to ensure that all of our campers feel loved and welcomed exactly as they are, we take deep care in the work of assigning campers to housing. Historically, LWLBC has separated campers by gender (male and female). As we consider the ways that we welcome and include all campers, we recognize the need to expand our current practices. Our registration software requires campers to select a male or female gender, and housing assignments are based on this information. During the registration process, families can indicate further discussion is desired for the housing needs of their camper. Campers who identify as non-binary, gender-nonconforming, or transgender will be assigned housing according to guidance given by camper and parent/guardian.
4.4. Policies unique to Wilderness Canoe Base.
- While on trail at WCB supervision shall consist of a minimum of one WCB staff member and one person who is over 21.
- All adults on the trail with underage campers shall go through a background check and sign a memorandum of understanding acknowledging their trip responsibilities while on trail.
- WCB requires that at least three people be assigned to a sleeping room on site. When there are only one or two campers of a gender, WCB staff are assigned to the sleeping room to make up the difference.
- WCB requires that at least three people be assigned to a tent if one of them is an adult. This is to prevent situations where there is only one adult and one minor sleeping in a tent at one time.
- WCB makes every effort to ensure that members of opposite genders are not sleeping in the same tent, however there are rare instances where this rule is not followed. Examples of these instances are an emergency where a tent has been destroyed or where it is deemed necessary to sleep in one tent to keep all people safe.
5. Staff Hiring Practices and Housing Practices
We make every effort possible to staff camper cabins with the gender that matches, as close as possible, the demographics of the cabin. However, certain logistics or other circumstances may dictate what is possible (for example: the need to achieve proper staff-to-child ratios, housing of staff who identify as non-binary or gender-nonconforming, or medical considerations). All staff are trained at the highest level, to manage cabin scenarios, and the health and well-being of our campers. The Youth Protection Policy of LWLBC guides current practices for the changing of clothing (by staff and by campers), and preventing one-on-one situations with campers and staff. For further reference – please see the Youth Protection Policy.
6. LWLBC Staff Responsibilities
- LWLBC staff has the primary responsibility for the safety of all at LWLBC facilities and LWLBC sponsored activities, including adherence to Youth Protection and health and safety policies.
- LWLBC staff is responsible for monitoring behavior and intervening when necessary.
7. Camper Responsibilities
- Campers are expected to adhere to LWLBC’s Youth Protection and health and safety policies. These policies are intended to create a safe and comfortable environment for all.
- If a camper feels unsafe or is concerned about something that has happened to them or to a friend they are encouraged to share these concerns with a LWLBC staff member or a member of their Church staff, even if this means reporting about an adult’s behavior.
8. Privacy of Campers
- LWLBC staff must respect the Camper’s privacy, especially in situations such as changing clothes and taking showers at camp.
- Campers shall be encouraged to dress or change only in private areas.
- LWLBC staff shall closely monitor shower areas but may only enter, if needed, for youth protection or health and safety reasons.
- When it is necessary to enter areas while campers are showering, two LWLBC staff members must be present.
- LWLBC Staff and other adults must change or dress in private areas.
9. Program Requirements
- All forms of discrimination, bullying and harassment including verbal, physical, and cyberbullying are prohibited.
- Having unauthorized weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, and pornography at LWLBC is prohibited.
- The use of smartphones, cameras, mirrors, drones, etc., in places or situations where privacy is expected is prohibited.
- All aspects of the LWLBC program are open to observation by parents and Church staff.
- Appropriate attire is required for all activities.
10. Reporting of Child Abuse
- LWLBC staff has responsibility to recognize, respond to, and report Youth Protection violations and abuse.
- Members of the LWLBC staff are mandated reporters of child abuse.
- For WAPO and OX related events, reports must be made to local law enforcement and child protective services in accordance with the laws of Wisconsin.
- For WCB related events, reports must be made to local law enforcement and child protective services in accordance with the laws of Minnesota.
- This reporting duty cannot be delegated to any other person.
- The LWLBC Employee Manual(s) contains detailed directions for making child abuse reports.
- If someone is at immediate risk of harm, 911 will be called.