Hi everybody,

Today we received our final group of campers. It has been an amazing summer so far and we are all looking forward to creating many memories with these kids. Parents and campers showed up for check-in and began to move into cabins. They said their goodbyes and cabins started to get to know each other. We had a fantastic dinner of circle pizzas, cookies, and lemonade. Each cabin then went into their bible studies. There is a theme each and every day for the bible studies that we do. Today’s bible study theme is Rejoice. Cabins discuss the importance of why we praise God and why our voice matters. There are many different ways to worship and praise our Lord.

Following bible study, we went through our camp traditions and met our servant staff. Traditions happened in Crossfire Chapel due to some light rain. Then we rolled into canteen for all campers. They are able to get candy, snacks, soda, ice cream, or slushies. Cabins went into cabin time where they select an activity around camp to do. Finally, all of us headed back to Crossfire Chapel for our campfire. Each campfire has some fast songs, slow songs, a skit, and a message. Campers brought some great energy tonight! After campfire, campers went to do devotions with their cabin. Devotions happen nightly and are a way that we connect with God through various activities before going to bed. See you all tomorrow.