This evening we had a little bit of rain but we still had tons of fun. After we played the camp classic game of Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge we had a super good dinner of pulled pork and mac and cheese. Due to the rain we couldn’t play our regular all camp game outside, but we made the most of it by playing indoor games in Crossfire. We played some Ships and Sailors which is a combination of Ships Across the Ocean and Simon Says. We also played a game called Gibberish where campers have to figure out what the person, place, and thing is by only using non-words. We also played some small group cabin games such as Mother Hen, Frogger, and Coseeki.
The rain didn’t not stop in time for us to do our special worship outside so we did it inside. Our special worship this year is called Christ Stations. There are several stations set up around the building and the cabins travel together at their own space to hear a Bible story at each station. Ask your campers about it and what they learned from it. After the special worship the rain took a break and we were able to do campfire outside!
We had a wonderful day at camp and we are so excited for what tomorrow brings.